The fundamental therapy for Acne
Acne Vulgaris is very common and affects 80% of population. Almost every person experience acne, once in their lifetime. Acure is 1450nm high performance diode laser system in Acne therapy. It delivers thermal energy to sebaceous glands and provides >80% reduction in acne lesions.
Effective in increasing temperature of the tissue having water & fat absorption. Thermal damage inside & outside to sebaceous gland & lobule.
Only water absorption. Thermal damage only to the outside of sebaceous gland & lobule.
Prevention – Decrease in sebum production due to decreased DHT activity & lobule coagulation of sebaceous gland. Active Acne Treatment – Optimum absorption in water helps in collagen remodelling, improving acne scars.
ACURE Advantage
Acure System
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How It Works
Acne Treatment by ACURE
Delivering thermal energy directly to sebaceous gland and deactivating 5α-reductase. The activation of 5α-reductase is declined by more than 80% with 10°C rise in temperature.
Reducing inflammation and restoring damaged infundibulum by thermal energy.