Why 308nm wavelength?

14 Years of Clinical Experience
GSD has developed 4 generations of Excimer light devices since 2006. During past 14 years, GSD devices have performed millions of clinical treatments at hospitals and clinics.
German Lamp, 500 hours Lifespan
Eximal Mini equips with premium German lamp, which guarantees no energy attenuation. The energy would be stable and accurate to ensure an optimal clinical result. Best wavelength, high quality lamp and excellent results.
No Recharge, No Consumable
The device is installed with 500 hours of lifespan, no need of any recharge card. Unlike 308nm Excimer laser which needs to replace gas at high cost, Eximal Mini doesn’t require any gas. Low running cost, high ROI.
New Replacement under Warranty
During the warranty period, if any malfunction happens due to manufacturing defects, the company would provide new replacement for clients. Maintenance free.
Proven Results